Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Standing (L-R) : T. Thomas, F. Davis, M. Clarke, S. Findlay,  A.Hooper, C. 
                         Alexander, S. Mullings, D. Edwards, L. Edwards, J. Barrett
                         (V. President), R. Brown (President)
Sitting     (L-R) : C. Lambert, M. Baker (Vice Captain), A. Hutson (Captain)
                         J. Murray, W. Bynoe, S. James
Missing            : C. Wright, D. Bills, B. Roberts, R. Edwards, D. Billings (Scorer) 


Vibes Sports Club was borne when Rula Brown and Lloyd Roberts floated an idea to form a cricket club out of frustration experienced from unclear goals with other cricket clubs. Rula and Lloydie extended their idea to two outstanding cricketers in Andrae Hooper and Glen " Jungle" Barrett who liked the proposal, hence the wheel was set in motion to present it to Mr. Howard Shirley, the proprietor of VIBES NIGHT CLUB in Decatur, Georgia.

A meeting was scheduled on October 4, 2006 to discuss the prospect, then eight individuals (Rula Brown, Lloyd Roberts, Andrew Brown, Cleopatra Stewart, Andrae Hooper, Cleve Lambert, Andre Plummer and Fitzalbert Davis) met with Mr. Shirley who enthusiastically supported the formation of the club. Subsequently, VIBES SPORTS CLUB was formed  after three monthly meetings and drafting of the constitution. VIBES SPORTS CLUB was well on it's way to big things.

VIBES SPORTS CLUB held it's first general election
on Sunday January 21, 2007 under the supervision of the Georgia Supreme Cricket League (GSCL), where the President Mr. Allan Stewart facilitated the election process.

The turnout was tremendous considering the fact that it was a very "Rainy Night In Georgia" and there were NFL play off games to contend with. There were seventeen (17) paying members who participated in the election process and three other members that filled out  membership applications.

A spirited but friendly election, resulted in 

Rula Brown - President, 

Lloyd Roberts - Vice President, 

Judy Skinner - Secretary,

Colette Griffith - Treasurer 

Andre Plummer - Marketing Director/PRO.

Cleopatra Stewart was appointed Events Coordinator/Chairperson and Mr. Howard Shirley is our first Honorary Board Of Director (HBOD).

The cricket team captain is the confident and exciting opening batsman, Mr. Andrew Brown, and the Vice Captain is all rounder,Byron Roberts.
VIBES SPORTS CLUB has on it's roster, the most prolific run scorer in cricket in all of Georgia for the 2006 cricket season in Ira Roberts. Mr. Roberts scored over 800 runs and claimed 20 wickets for the cricket season. Mr. Roberts in 2006 scored 1 double century and 2 centuries which earned him the Most Valuable Player (MVP) in Georgia. At the annual awards ceremony Mr. Roberts collected eight (8) trophies for his exceptional efforts and accomplishments. Look out in 2007, because Ira will be back! 

VIBES SPORTS CLUB intends to include activities such as cricket, soccer, netball, infrequent debates among the members and dominoe playing as part of our activities.

Our goal is to accommodate everyone who wants to be included in the VIBES family, and, on Sundays, could visit the park with their family members to enjoy an exciting game of cricket, soccer, netball or a good picnic.

As our motto inscribes "Keep The Vibes Pumping with Honesty, Integrity and Camaraderie", and, with this attitude we are ready to rumble.

Thank you very much for your support and spread the word that the "vibe is pumping".

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